Free Printable Floral Calendar 2025

Looking for a beautiful yet functional 2025 printable calendar? Our free portrait-style Floral Calendar is just what you need! Designed in US Letter size, it can easily be printed on various paper sizes with simple printer adjustments. Each month features a unique floral bouquet at the top and bottom, adding a touch of nature to your space. Plus, there’s plenty of room for your daily notes. Ready to start 2025 with better organization? Want to leave behind the chaos of last year? Prefer a cost-free calendar that complements your feminine decor? If you said yes to any of these, you’re in the right place!

Floral Calendar 2025

Floral Calendar 2025
Floral Calendar 2025


We’re excited to offer our Floral Calendar 2025—completely free and ready for immediate download! With just a computer or device that can open PDF or JPG files, you can have your calendar printed in minutes. One great feature of our downloadable floral calendar is its digital format, allowing for unlimited edits without any physical clutter. Simply download, add your events or notes, and print—bringing a whole new level of organization to your life!

Our calendar is also fully customizable to meet your needs. Want a PNG file? You can choose between PDF and PNG formats for easy download. Prefer a vertical or landscape layout? You’re free to print it in either orientation. Plus, we’ve already marked major holidays for your convenience. Need multiple copies? Print as many as you like! Get one for home, your office, or share it with friends and family—beautiful, organized living is just a few clicks away.

Printable Floral Calendar 2025

Printable Floral Calendar 2025
Printable Floral Calendar 2025


These stunning Floral Calendar 2025 printables offer a cost-effective way to craft your planner for the year ahead. You have the flexibility to print just one month or the entire 2025 calendar, allowing you to stay organized while adding beauty to your daily schedule—all at no cost! If you love the floral design but need more room for daily tasks, we’ve got you covered. Our day-to-day layout features the same floral design, giving you ample space to plan each month. Whether you choose to print each month individually or the full year at once, this calendar combines elegance and practicality.

Want to make your calendar even more functional? Consider laminating each page. This turns it into a reusable dry-erase board for writing and erasing tasks—perfect for your desk, fridge, or office. The simple text and lovely pink floral design are sure to complement any decor. Download your FREE 2025 floral calendar today and start planning in style!

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44 thoughts on “Free Printable Floral Calendar 2025”

  1. Sharon, Love your calendar. Does it by chance come in landscape format? I print them out and put them on my fridge under a landscape magnet I have. thank you in advance. Angela in Iowa

  2. Thanks for all your decated work, We really appreicate the monthly calendars you design for us.
    Bless you, Hugs
    Sherry in Newfoundland, Canada

  3. Sharon, Love the floral calendars! They are exactly what I was looking for. Do you know if you’ll be making the 2021 calendars soon. I am working on my 2020-21 school binder and need those calendars also. Thanks! Christy from Kansas

  4. Thank you. I have choose your beautiful calendar, as I prepare a work proposal for my boss. I am looking forward to the 2021 calendar. Hope they come out soon. Thanks Betty-Lou from Canada


  6. I couldn’t afford a new calendar for 2021 but had ink left in my printer LOL Thank you so much for such a lovely and practical calendar! I’m bookmarking your site!

  7. I’m also wishing for 2022! But really happy to have access to the 2021. Simple, straight-forward. Just wish it was darker. What’s with designer liking to use gray letters on white these days? My old eyes like clear differences!

  8. Thank you so much for providing these awesome calendars! Best of luck in your studies! You really should consider posting a paypal or venmo link or something so people can contribute toward your education or, at the very least, your cost for running the site! 🙂

  9. Chamathka Dahami

    heyy sharon 🙂 tysm dear for this amazing floral colored calendar I really love ittt!!!
    and btw u r such a living angel to be so generous u hv a gorgeous outer and inner look :))
    heyy and also um gonna gift this to all my family and friends for the new year !!
    may ur year a head be bright as u r and GOD BLESS u darling
    love fr ; Sri Lanka

  10. Thank You for the beautiful Flora calendars free as they are great to keep appointments and important reminders on.

  11. Hi Sharon, thanks a million for these wonderful calendars! They are beyond beautiful and while I was looking for something that would make noting down appointments a pleasure, I wasn’t expecting to find something so breath-taking. I can’t say thank-you enough! God bless you!

  12. I just printed the January 2022 floral calendar, and I just love the beautiful flowers. Thank you for making this available. Good luck in your future. You do beautiful work.

  13. Thank you so much..i really love the design , and most of all..i can print it without any hassle.
    appreciate your hardwork.. Superb

  14. The best calendar ever. I recommend lots of people who enjoy floral prints and love flowers to get this calendar. Also, can you make a BTS calendar? That would be amazing to make different themes. I would love to see more themes in the future.

  15. We’ve had so much ugly weather that I haven’t even gotten out to buy a 2023 calendar! Then I ran across your beautiful design and want to thank you for this beauty! I’m going to print it right now to assemble and hang an up-to-date calendar! Thank you for sharing your beautiful design!

  16. Hi, I love your calendars. I am trying to find the floral calendar for the whole year highlighting the holidays but I am unable to find it. Can you please help me?

  17. Hi I love the coloring calendars. Can you provide the link with those calendars please! I love your site! Thank you for your work!

  18. Hi Sharon,

    Just a little note to let you know how much I appreciate your work. The December 2024 Cute Calendar is gorgeous!

  19. Thanks for sharing, I really appreciate this calendar template. I can use it for small quantity sale, just small school festival. I really look forward to your reply and will send a sincere thanks to you

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